Sunday, August 3, 2008

Week One

Hello Everyone,

Well I must say that I am very glad to be in this class. I was hoping to learn more about online communities and week one has already taught me a lot. While I have some experience with online forums most of the online world is still relatively new to me. 

Learning about how to set up my blog and then getting my RSS reader set up was a lot of fun. I had never done this before so this class has already taught me something. I can't wait to see what we learn next. Thank you all very much and I look forward to the next 16 weeks!



Gabriela Sellart said...

Hi Brian, welcome to blogging.
I has certainly been a busy week. I guess what's coming next is less relating to *doing*, but more centered on reading, reflecting and discussing.

Joao Alves said...

Hi Brian,
I am glad to know that you have already learned a lot during this first week of the course. Did you set the blog and the RSS reader all alone?
I am looking forward to hearing more from you online.

Brian Shimelonis said...

Hello Gabriela,

Indeed, I am looking forward to this class. I'm sooo glad to have found it :)

Brian Shimelonis said...

Hello Joao,

Thank you for your comment and its nice to meet you.

Yes I had to set up my blog and RSS Reader by myself. It was a bit tough at some points however I believe I got it figured out.

Derek said...

We passed through Sand Francisco in 2005 for an hour on the way from Grass Valley to the airport. Got a parking ticket for being 4 minutes over. :-(

Sad to miss the famous landmarks . . . another day. - Derek